
The Role Of A Personal Injury Attorney

When you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, many questions can run through your mind. Who pays for my medical expenses? Who pays my bills when I am out of work? If I need care in the future, who pays for that? Should I negotiate with the insurance company myself? After an accident, you will receive letters and calls from experienced insurance adjusters who will push for recorded statements and attempt to settle your claim quickly (and cheaply).

As a personal injury attorney, our job is to answer those questions, deal with the insurance companies and, ultimately, recover fair compensation that you are entitled to under the law. Our goal is to ensure that each of our clients recovers the maximum amount for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, permanent disfigurement, scarring and loss in future earning capacity, among others.

Rather than trying to go through this process alone, let an experienced personal injury attorney at Musselwhite, Musselwhite, Branch & Grantham investigate the accident, locate and interview witnesses, review insurance policies, communicate with insurance adjusters, gather medical records, bills and lost wage information, hire expert witnesses when necessary and. negotiate a settlement or file a lawsuit.

Our fees are charged on a “contingent” basis, which means the fee is “contingent” upon us recovering compensation for you. In the rare instance that there is no recovery, there will be no fee for our legal services. This type of arrangement gives the personal injury attorney an incentive to help you receive fair compensation since our fee depends on it. And, since we don’t charge by the hour, there is no reason for us to drag out a resolution for your case.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident call our office today at (910) 738-5277 to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. There is no obligation and the initial consultation is free.

-J. William Owen


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